Work and Business


I was in my office glancing at my table full of business documents that were neatly sorted out as they were placed side by side with each other. On top of every document is a statement of account for each client. All these documents are currently businesses under negotiation.

I said to myself, "Wow! This is the very setting I have worked with in the past. To have quite a number of businesses to work with, that can truly make my day productive".

Then I felt some tiredness and begun to fall sleepy. I was about to leave the office to take some rest in the bedroom when the fax machine again begun to receive new business transactions. So I sat near the fax machine and started to read the documents being printed out but I could not really concentrate because I was really sleepy. I was also talking with the client over the phone who sent the documents but could not understand him. From time to time, I could feel that I am snapping out and falling asleep while we were talking.

After finishing my conversation with the client, I stood up and here comes my nephew who noticed my condition. He thought that I was sick and told me not to over do myself for it might again affect my health condition.


Lord Jesus,

I just had a clear dream last night and I believed that a message has been sent through. I may not yet fully understand the true intent behind its story but one thing is certain, it speaks of the condition of my heart. In my deepest thoughts, there are still matters of concerns regarding things that I aspire for. In this case, it is very clear that I really do miss those days when my work requires that I look into several business transactions that needs to be done and consumated.

My heart still burns of such desires deeply hidden within me as I go about on the road with you. The only difference is that in the past, I was not fully aware that you are with me on such journey. I was in no position to appreciate all the things that you have done for me because I have lived outside of your Word.

Now that your Word has come alive in me and became the very object of my existence, may I humbly ask that said dream be once more placed into reality and may it serve as a window of what is to come. All good things come from you my Lord and I believe that you will never settle for what is not best for me.